Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

nitro::ProcessAbstraction Class Reference

Class provides processes manipulation routine. More...

#include <system/process_abstraction.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ProcessAbstraction (void)
void CreateProcess (const char *Command, const char *argv[]=NULL)
 ALIAS_FUNCTION_2 (CreateProcess, aliasCreateProcess, const char *, const char **)
void CreateProcess (const std::string &Command, const char *argv[]=NULL)
void Wait (void)
void TerminateProcess (void)
virtual ~ProcessAbstraction ()

Private Member Functions

 ProcessAbstraction (const ProcessAbstraction &)
ProcessAbstraction operator= (const ProcessAbstraction &)

Private Attributes

void * ProcessHandle

Detailed Description

Class provides processes manipulation routine.

Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 48 of file process_abstraction.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

nitro::ProcessAbstraction::ProcessAbstraction ( void   ) 


nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 28 of file process_abstraction.cpp.

References nitro::exception::code(), and nitro::exception::what().

                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "ProcessAbstraction::ProcessAbstraction( void )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "ProcessAbstraction::ProcessAbstraction( void )::An error occured" ) , 0 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

nitro::ProcessAbstraction::~ProcessAbstraction (  )  [virtual]


nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 198 of file process_abstraction.cpp.

References ProcessHandle.

                #if     defined( WIN32_PLATFORM ) || defined( MINGW_PLATFORM )
                        delete ( ProcessInfo * )ProcessHandle;

                #if defined( NIX_PLATFORM ) || defined( CYGWIN_PLATFORM )
                        delete ( int * )ProcessHandle;
                catch( ... )

nitro::ProcessAbstraction::ProcessAbstraction ( const ProcessAbstraction  )  [private]

Copy constructor.

nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 215 of file process_abstraction.cpp.

References nitro::exception::code(), and nitro::exception::what().

                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "ProcessAbstraction::ProcessAbstraction( const ProcessAbstraction & )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "ProcessAbstraction::ProcessAbstraction( const ProcessAbstraction & )::An error occured" ) , 0 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

nitro::ProcessAbstraction::ALIAS_FUNCTION_2 ( CreateProcess  ,
aliasCreateProcess  ,
const char *  ,
const char **   
void nitro::ProcessAbstraction::CreateProcess ( const char *  Command,
const char *  argv[] = NULL 

Function runs process.

Command - File of the process.
argv - Parameters.
It is not necessary to add name of the executable file as the first parameter.
nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 43 of file process_abstraction.cpp.

References nitro::exception::code(), DEFINE_DYNAMIC_ARRAY, nitro::FSPath::ExtractFileName(), ProcessHandle, and nitro::exception::what().

Referenced by CreateProcess().

                #if     defined( WIN32_PLATFORM ) || defined( MINGW_PLATFORM )
                        ProcessHandle = new ProcessInfo;
                        ZeroMemory( &( ( ( ProcessInfo * )ProcessHandle )->si ) , sizeof( ( ( ProcessInfo * )ProcessHandle )->si ) );
                        ( ( ProcessInfo * )ProcessHandle )->si.cb = sizeof( ( ( ProcessInfo * )ProcessHandle )->si );
                        ZeroMemory( &( ( ( ProcessInfo * )ProcessHandle )->pi ) , sizeof( ( ( ProcessInfo * )ProcessHandle )->pi ) );

                        std::string             CommandLine( Command );

                        for( std::size_t i( 0 ) ; argv && argv[ i ] ; i++ )
                                CommandLine += " ";
                                CommandLine += argv[ i ];

                        if( !CreateProcessA( NULL , ( LPSTR )CommandLine.c_str() , NULL , NULL , FALSE , 0 , NULL , NULL , &( ( ( ProcessInfo * )ProcessHandle )->si ) , &( ( ( ProcessInfo * )ProcessHandle )->pi ) ) )
                                throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "An error occured while process startup " ) + Command , 0 ) );

                #if defined( NIX_PLATFORM ) || defined( CYGWIN_PLATFORM )
                        ProcessHandle = new int;

                        *( ( int * )ProcessHandle ) = fork();
                        if( *( ( int * )ProcessHandle ) == 0 )
                                std::size_t                             ArgCounter( 0 );
                                if( argv )
                                        for( ; argv[ ArgCounter ] != NULL ; ArgCounter++ );
                                DEFINE_DYNAMIC_ARRAY( const char * , Args , ArgCounter + 2 )
                                std::string                             FileName( FSPath::ExtractFileName( std::string( Command ) ) );
                                Args[ 0 ] = FileName.c_str();
                                for( std::size_t i( 1 ) ; i < ArgCounter + 2 ; i++ )
                                        if( argv )
                                                Args[ i ] = argv[ i - 1 ];
                                                Args[ i ] = NULL;
                                if( strchr( Command , '/' ) || strchr( Command , '\\' ) )
                                        // указан только путь к экзешнику
                                        if( execv( Command , ( char * const * )Args ) == -1 )
                                                throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "An error occured while process startup " ) + Command , 0 ) );
                                        // указан только сам экзешник
                                        if( execvp( Command , ( char * const * )Args ) == -1 )
                                                throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "An error occured while process startup " ) + Command , 0 ) );
                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "ProcessAbstraction::CreateProcess( const char * Command , const char * argv [] )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "ProcessAbstraction::CreateProcess( const char * Command , const char * argv [] )::An error occured" ) , 0 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

void nitro::ProcessAbstraction::CreateProcess ( const std::string &  Command,
const char *  argv[] = NULL 

Function runs process.

Command - File of the process.
argv - Parameters.
It is not necessary to add name of the executable file as the first parameter.
nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 126 of file process_abstraction.cpp.

References nitro::exception::code(), CreateProcess(), and nitro::exception::what().

                        CreateProcess( Command.c_str() , argv );
                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "ProcessAbstraction::CreateProcess( const std::string & Command , const char * argv [] /* = NULL */ )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "ProcessAbstraction::CreateProcess( const std::string & Command , const char * argv [] /* = NULL */ )::An error occured" ) , 0 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

ProcessAbstraction nitro::ProcessAbstraction::operator= ( const ProcessAbstraction  )  [private]

Assign operator.

nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 230 of file process_abstraction.cpp.

References nitro::exception::code(), and nitro::exception::what().

                        return( *this );
                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "ProcessAbstraction::operator=( const ProcessAbstraction & )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "ProcessAbstraction::operator=( const ProcessAbstraction & )::An error occured" ) , 0 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

void nitro::ProcessAbstraction::TerminateProcess ( void   ) 

Function terminates child process.

nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 167 of file process_abstraction.cpp.

References nitro::exception::code(), ProcessHandle, and nitro::exception::what().

                #if     defined( WIN32_PLATFORM ) || defined( MINGW_PLATFORM )
                        if( ::TerminateProcess( ( ( ProcessInfo * )ProcessHandle )->pi.hProcess, 0 ) == 0 )
                                throw( nitro::exception( "An error occured while process termination" , 1 ) );

                        CloseHandle( ( ( ProcessInfo * )ProcessHandle )->pi.hProcess );
                        CloseHandle( ( ( ProcessInfo * )ProcessHandle )->pi.hThread );

                #if defined( NIX_PLATFORM ) || defined( CYGWIN_PLATFORM )
                        if( kill( *( ( int * )ProcessHandle ) , SIGKILL ) != 0 )
                                throw( nitro::exception( "An error occured while process termination" , 1 ) );
                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "ProcessAbstraction::Wait( void )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "ProcessAbstraction::Wait( void )::An error occured" ) , 0 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

void nitro::ProcessAbstraction::Wait ( void   ) 

Function blocks process until the child process will be terminated.

nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 142 of file process_abstraction.cpp.

References nitro::exception::code(), ProcessHandle, and nitro::exception::what().

                #if     defined( WIN32_PLATFORM ) || defined( MINGW_PLATFORM )
                        WaitForSingleObject( ( ( ProcessInfo * )ProcessHandle )->pi.hProcess, INFINITE );

                        CloseHandle( ( ( ProcessInfo * )ProcessHandle )->pi.hProcess );
                        CloseHandle( ( ( ProcessInfo * )ProcessHandle )->pi.hThread );

                #if defined( NIX_PLATFORM ) || defined( CYGWIN_PLATFORM )
                        waitpid( *( ( int * )ProcessHandle ) , NULL , WUNTRACED );
                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "ProcessAbstraction::Wait( void )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "ProcessAbstraction::Wait( void )::An error occured" ) , 0 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

Process handle.

nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 226 of file process_abstraction.h.

Referenced by CreateProcess(), TerminateProcess(), Wait(), and ~ProcessAbstraction().

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