nitro is a crossplatform framework for C++ language.
nitro---+ | /-- autotests - directory with autotests | /-- bin - executables | /-- components - scripts and project files for creating libraries | /-- doc - manuals, documentation and examples | /-- include - directory with sources and headers | /-- lib - compiled binaries will be placed here
a) Download source package from http// for your platform.
b) Extract all sources from package to any directory you want.
c) Run script wich will compile binaries. All compiled libraries can be found at nitro_dir/lib.
a) Download source package from http// for your platform.
b) Extract all sources from package to any directory you want.
с) For windows platform all binaries are already compiled with VisualC++ 7.0 But you can rebuild them using your own Visual Studio. To do this open solution nitro_dir/components/nitro.sln in Visual Studio and press ReBuild button. All compiled libraries can be found at nitro_dir/lib.