Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

nitro::CSVFile Class Reference

Class provides CSV files manipulation routine. More...

#include <loaders/csv_file.h>

Collaboration diagram for nitro::CSVFile:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void OpenFile (const char *FilePath)
void OpenFile (const std::string &FilePath)
bool ReadRecord (CSVReadable *Readable, const std::size_t MODE=0)
void ReadHeader (const std::size_t MODE=0)
std::size_t GetHeaderItemsCount (void)
nitro::BinaryDataGetHeaderItem (std::size_t i)
template<class cont >
bool ReadRecord (cont &Container, const std::size_t MODE=0)
template<class cont >
void ReadAllRecords (cont &Container, const std::size_t MODE=0)
void AppendRecord (CSVWritable *Writable, const std::size_t MODE=0)
template<class cont >
void AppendRecord (cont &Container, const std::size_t MODE=0)
template<class cont >
void AppendAllRecords (cont &Container, const std::size_t MODE=0)
void CloseFile (void)
virtual ~CSVFile ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void SetReadBufferSize (std::size_t ReadBufferSize)

Private Attributes

nitro::FileAbstraction FileStream
std::vector< nitro::BinaryDataHeader

Detailed Description

Class provides CSV files manipulation routine.

Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 193 of file csv_file.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

nitro::CSVFile::~CSVFile (  )  [virtual]


Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 494 of file csv_file.cpp.

References CloseFile().

                catch( ... )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

template<class cont >
void nitro::CSVFile::AppendAllRecords ( cont &  Container,
const std::size_t  MODE = 0 

Function writes all records.

Container - STL container with nitro::BinaryData objects.
MODE - Record reading mode.
This method requires that stored objects have a method AppendData( const char * , std::size_t ).
nitro::exception hrows an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 632 of file csv_file.h.

References AppendRecord(), nitro::exception::code(), and nitro::exception::what().

                        typedef typename cont::iterator         IterType;

                        for( IterType i( Container.begin() ) ; i != Container.end() ; ++i )
                                AppendRecord( *i , MODE );
                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::AppendAllRecords( cont & Container , const std::size_t MODE /* = 0 */ )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::AppendAllRecords( cont & Container , const std::size_t MODE /* = 0 */ )::An error occured" ) , 1 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

void nitro::CSVFile::AppendRecord ( CSVWritable Writable,
const std::size_t  MODE = 0 

Function writes one record.

Writable - Interface for saving data in file.
MODE - Record writing mode.
nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 355 of file csv_file.cpp.

References nitro::BinaryData::AppendData(), nitro::exception::code(), nitro::CSV_AUTO_ESCAPE(), nitro::FA_FILE_BEGIN, nitro::FA_FILE_END, FileStream, nitro::BinaryData::GetBuffer(), nitro::BinaryData::GetBufferLength(), nitro::CSVWritable::GetField(), nitro::CSVWritable::GetFieldCount(), nitro::BinaryData::GetOccuranceCount(), nitro::FileAbstraction::Read(), nitro::BinaryData::Reserve(), nitro::FileAbstraction::Seek(), nitro::FileAbstraction::Tell(), nitro::exception::what(), and nitro::FileAbstraction::Write().

Referenced by AppendAllRecords(), and AppendRecord().

                        std::size_t                                     FilePosition( FileStream.Tell() );

                        // \~russian сначала считаем сколько нам понадобится байт
                        // \~english count how many bytes do we need
                        std::size_t                                     BytesCount( 0 );

                        // \~russian смотрим что в конце файла
                        // \~english what do we have at the end of the file?

                        FileStream.Seek( 0 , FA_FILE_END );
                        std::size_t                                     EndOfFilePosition( FileStream.Tell() );
                        FileStream.Seek( EndOfFilePosition - 2 , FA_FILE_BEGIN );

                        char                                            EndOfFile[ 2 ];

                        FileStream.Read( EndOfFile , 2 );

                        bool                                            PrependCRLF( false );
                        if( EndOfFile[ 0 ] != '\r' || EndOfFile[ 1 ] != '\n' )
                                PrependCRLF = true;
                                BytesCount += 2;

                        const char                                      * Buffer;
                        std::size_t                                     BufferSize;
                        int                                                     Tmp;

                        // \~russian длина полей (нужно ли обрамлять поле кавычками)
                        // \~english fields length (should be the field bounded by braces)
                        for( std::size_t i( 0 ) ; i < Writable->GetFieldCount() ; i++ )
                                Writable->GetField( i , Buffer , BufferSize , MODE );

                                BytesCount += BufferSize;

                                if( MODE & CSV_AUTO_ESCAPE )
                                        Tmp = nitro::BinaryData::GetOccuranceCount( Buffer , BufferSize , "\"" , 1 );
                                        if( Tmp != 0 )
                                                BytesCount += 2 + Tmp;

                        // \~russian запятые
                        // \~english commas
                        BytesCount += Writable->GetFieldCount() - 1;

                        // \~russian добавляем CRLF
                        // \~english appending CRLF
                        BytesCount += 2;

                        nitro::BinaryData               Data;

                        if( PrependCRLF )
                                Data.Reserve( BytesCount + 2 );
                                Data.AppendData( "\r\n" );
                                Data.Reserve( BytesCount );

                        for( std::size_t i( 0 ) ; i < Writable->GetFieldCount() ; i++ )
                                Writable->GetField( i , Buffer , BufferSize , MODE );

                                Tmp = 0;
                                if( MODE & CSV_AUTO_ESCAPE )
                                        Tmp = nitro::BinaryData::GetOccuranceCount( Buffer , BufferSize , "\"" , 1 );

                                if( Tmp != 0 )
                                        Data.AppendData( '"' );

                                for( std::size_t j( 0 ) ; j < BufferSize ; j++ )
                                        if( Buffer[ j ] == '"' && ( MODE & CSV_AUTO_ESCAPE ) )
                                                Data.AppendData( '"' );
                                        Data.AppendData( Buffer[ j ] );

                                if( Tmp != 0 )
                                        Data.AppendData( '"' );

                                if( i < Writable->GetFieldCount() - 1 )
                                        Data.AppendData( ',' );
                                        Data.AppendData( "\r\n" , 2 );

                        FileStream.Write( Data.GetBuffer() , Data.GetBufferLength() );

                        FileStream.Seek( FilePosition , FA_FILE_BEGIN );
                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::AppendRecord( CSVWritable * Writable , const std::size_t MODE /* = 0 */ )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::AppendRecord( CSVWritable * Writable , const std::size_t MODE /* = 0 */ )::An error occured" ) , 1 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class cont >
void nitro::CSVFile::AppendRecord ( cont &  Container,
const std::size_t  MODE = 0 

Function writes one record.

Container - STL container with nitro::BinaryData objects.
MODE - Record reading mode.
This method requires that stored objects have a method AppendData( const char * , std::size_t ).
nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 594 of file csv_file.h.

References AppendRecord(), nitro::exception::code(), and nitro::exception::what().

                        class           CSVRecordWriter:public CSVWritable{
                                cont *                                                          Container;
                                CSVRecordWriter( cont * theContainer )
                                        Container = theContainer;

                                virtual void                                    GetField( const std::size_t & FieldCursor , const char * & Buffer , std::size_t & BufferSize , const std::size_t & MODE = 0 )
                                        Buffer = ( * Container )[ FieldCursor ].GetBuffer();
                                        BufferSize = ( * Container )[ FieldCursor ].GetBufferLength();

                                virtual std::size_t                             GetFieldCount( void )
                                        return( Container->size() );

                        CSVRecordWriter                                         Writer( & Container );

                        return( AppendRecord( ( CSVWritable * ) & Writer , MODE ) );
                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::AppendRecord( cont & Container , const std::size_t MODE /* = 0 */ )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::AppendRecord( cont & Container , const std::size_t MODE /* = 0 */ )::An error occured" ) , 1 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

void nitro::CSVFile::CloseFile ( void   ) 

Function closes file.

nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 478 of file csv_file.cpp.

References nitro::FileAbstraction::Close(), nitro::exception::code(), FileStream, and nitro::exception::what().

Referenced by ~CSVFile().

                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::CloseFile( void )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::CloseFile( void )::An error occured" ) , 1 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

nitro::BinaryData & nitro::CSVFile::GetHeaderItem ( std::size_t  i  ) 

Function returns header's item.

Header's item.
nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 339 of file csv_file.cpp.

References nitro::exception::code(), Header, and nitro::exception::what().

                        return( Header[ i ] );
                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::GetHeaderItem( std::size_t i )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::GetHeaderItem( std::size_t i )::An error occured" ) , 1 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::size_t nitro::CSVFile::GetHeaderItemsCount ( void   ) 

Function returns count of items in header.

Count of items in header.
nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 323 of file csv_file.cpp.

References nitro::exception::code(), Header, and nitro::exception::what().

                        return( Header.size() );
                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::GetHeaderItemsCount( void )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::GetHeaderItemsCount( void )::An error occured" ) , 1 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

void nitro::CSVFile::OpenFile ( const char *  FilePath  ) 

Function opens file for reading.

FilePath - Path to the opening file.
nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 43 of file csv_file.cpp.

References nitro::exception::code(), nitro::FA_FILE_BINARY, nitro::FA_FILE_READ, nitro::FA_FILE_WRITE, FileStream, nitro::FileAbstraction::Open(), and nitro::exception::what().

Referenced by OpenFile().

                        FileStream.Open( FilePath , nitro::FA_FILE_BINARY | nitro::FA_FILE_READ | nitro::FA_FILE_WRITE );
                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::OpenFile( const char * FilePath )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::OpenFile( const char * FilePath )::An error occured" ) , 1 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

void nitro::CSVFile::OpenFile ( const std::string &  FilePath  ) 

Function opens file for reading.

FilePath - Path to the opening file.
nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 59 of file csv_file.cpp.

References nitro::exception::code(), OpenFile(), and nitro::exception::what().

                        OpenFile( FilePath.c_str() );
                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::OpenFile( const std::string & FilePath )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::OpenFile( const std::string & FilePath )::An error occured" ) , 1 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class cont >
void nitro::CSVFile::ReadAllRecords ( cont &  Container,
const std::size_t  MODE = 0 

Function reads all records.

Container - STL container with containers with objects of type nitro::BinaryData.
MODE - Record reading mode.
nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 564 of file csv_file.h.

References nitro::exception::code(), ReadRecord(), and nitro::exception::what().

                        typedef typename cont::value_type       FieldType;
                        FieldType                                                       CSVRecord;

                        bool                                                            EndOfFile( false );

                                EndOfFile = ReadRecord( CSVRecord , MODE );

                                * ( std::back_inserter( Container ) ) = CSVRecord;

                                CSVRecord.erase( CSVRecord.begin() , CSVRecord.end() );
                        while( EndOfFile == false );
                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::ReadAllRecords( cont & Container , const std::size_t MODE /* = 0 */ )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::ReadAllRecords( cont & Container , const std::size_t MODE /* = 0 */ )::An error occured" ) , 1 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

void nitro::CSVFile::ReadHeader ( const std::size_t  MODE = 0  ) 

Function reads header.

MODE - Header reading mode.
nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 307 of file csv_file.cpp.

References nitro::exception::code(), Header, ReadRecord(), and nitro::exception::what().

                        ReadRecord( Header , MODE );
                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::ReadHeader( const std::size_t MODE /* = 0 */  )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::ReadHeader( const std::size_t MODE /* = 0 */  )::An error occured" ) , 1 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class cont >
bool nitro::CSVFile::ReadRecord ( cont &  Container,
const std::size_t  MODE = 0 

Function reads one record.

Container - STL container with nitro::BinaryData objects.
MODE - Record reading mode.
This method requires that stored objects have a method AppendData( const char * , std::size_t ).
true if the end of file was reached. false otherwise.
nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 529 of file csv_file.h.

References nitro::exception::code(), ReadRecord(), and nitro::exception::what().

                        class           CSVRecordReader:public CSVReadable{
                                cont *                                                          Container;

                                typedef typename cont::value_type       FieldType;
                                CSVRecordReader( cont * theContainer )
                                        Container = theContainer;

                                virtual void                                    AddField( const char * Buffer , const std::size_t & BufferSize )
                                        std::back_inserter( * Container ) = FieldType();
                                        Container->back().AppendData( Buffer , BufferSize );

                        CSVRecordReader                                         Reader( & Container );

                        return( ReadRecord( ( CSVReadable * ) & Reader , MODE ) );
                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::ReadRecord( cont & Container , const std::size_t MODE /* = 0 */ )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::ReadRecord( cont & Container , const std::size_t MODE /* = 0 */ )::An error occured" ) , 1 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool nitro::CSVFile::ReadRecord ( CSVReadable Readable,
const std::size_t  MODE = 0 

Function reads one record.

Readable - Interface for saving data.
MODE - Record reading mode.
true if the end of file was reached. false otherwise.
nitro::exception Throws an exception of that type with the error description.
Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 75 of file csv_file.cpp.

References nitro::ADD_FIELD(), nitro::CSVReadable::AddField(), nitro::BinaryData::AppendData(), nitro::exception::code(), nitro::CSV_AUTO_ESCAPE(), nitro::CSV_FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE(), nitro::END_QUOTED_FIELD(), nitro::END_RECORD(), nitro::FA_FILE_BEGIN, FileStream, nitro::BinaryData::GetBuffer(), nitro::BinaryData::GetBufferLength(), nitro::QUOTE_WAS_FOUND(), nitro::FileAbstraction::Read(), nitro::READ_DATA(), nitro::BinaryData::ReplaceBuffer(), nitro::FileAbstraction::Seek(), nitro::START_FIELD(), nitro::FileAbstraction::Tell(), nitro::TRY_READ_NEXT(), and nitro::exception::what().

Referenced by ReadAllRecords(), ReadHeader(), and ReadRecord().

                        std::size_t                                     FilePosition;
                        std::size_t                                     ReadBytes;

                        // saving this value on stack to avoid 'ass pain' debug in multy-threaded applications
                        const std::size_t                       ReadBufferSize( CSV_FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE );

                        char *                                          Buffer( new char[ ReadBufferSize ] );

                        bool                                            QFieldStart( false );
                        bool                                            FieldStart( false );
                        std::size_t                                     FieldStartCursor( 0 );
                        std::size_t                                     State( START_FIELD );
                        std::size_t                                     FieldRawSize( 0 );

                                FilePosition = FileStream.Tell();

                                ReadBytes = FileStream.Read( Buffer , ReadBufferSize );

                                for( std::size_t i( 0 ) ; i < ReadBufferSize + 1 && i < ReadBytes + 1 ; i++ )
                                        if( ReadBytes == 0 || ( ReadBytes < ReadBufferSize && i == ReadBytes ) )
                                                if( QFieldStart == true )
                                                        throw( nitro::exception( "Illegal sintax (quote was not found)" , 1 ) );
                                                if( FieldStart == true )
                                                        State = ADD_FIELD;
                                                if( i == ReadBufferSize || i == ReadBytes )

                                        if( State == START_FIELD )
                                                FieldRawSize = 0;
                                                if( ( Buffer[ i ] >= 0x20 && Buffer[ i ] <= 0x21 ) ||
                                                        ( Buffer[ i ] >= 0x23 && Buffer[ i ] <= 0x2b ) || 
                                                        ( Buffer[ i ] >= 0x2d && Buffer[ i ] <= 0x7e ) || Buffer[ i ] == ',' )
                                                        FieldStart = true;
                                                        FieldStartCursor = FilePosition + i;
                                                        State = READ_DATA;

                                                if( Buffer[ i ] == '"' )
                                                        QFieldStart = true;
                                                        FieldStartCursor = FilePosition + i;
                                                        State = READ_DATA;

                                        if( State == READ_DATA )
                                                if( Buffer[ i ] == '"' && QFieldStart == false )
                                                        throw( nitro::exception( "Illegal sintax (quote was found)" , 1 ) );
                                                if( Buffer[ i ] == '\r' && QFieldStart == false )
                                                        State = ADD_FIELD;
                                                if( Buffer[ i ] == '\n' && QFieldStart == false )
                                                        throw( nitro::exception( "Illegal sintax (LF was found)" , 1 ) );
                                                if( Buffer[ i ] == '"' && QFieldStart == true )
                                                        if( i < ReadBytes - 1 )
                                                                State = QUOTE_WAS_FOUND;
                                                                State = ADD_FIELD;
                                                if( Buffer[ i ] == ',' && FieldStart == true )
                                                        State = ADD_FIELD;

                                        if( State == QUOTE_WAS_FOUND )
                                                if( Buffer[ i ] == '"' )
                                                        State = READ_DATA;
                                                if( Buffer[ i ] == ',' || Buffer[ i ] == '\r' )
                                                        State = ADD_FIELD;
                                                        throw( nitro::exception( "Can't end quoted field (1)'" , 1 ) );

                                        if( State == END_QUOTED_FIELD )
                                                if( Buffer[ i ] == ',' )
                                                        State = ADD_FIELD;
                                                        throw( nitro::exception( "Can't end quoted field (2)'" , 1 ) );

                                        if( State == ADD_FIELD )
                                                if( FieldRawSize > 0 )
                                                        nitro::BinaryData               Data;
                                                        std::size_t                             Decreaser( 0 );

                                                        if( QFieldStart == true )
                                                                Decreaser = 1;

                                                        if( FieldStartCursor < FilePosition )
                                                                // data is stored in several buffers, so let's read it in memory
                                                                char                            * FieldValue( new char [ FieldRawSize - 2 * Decreaser ] );

                                                                FileStream.Seek( FieldStartCursor + Decreaser , FA_FILE_BEGIN );

                                                                FileStream.Read( FieldValue , FieldRawSize - 2 * Decreaser );

                                                                Data.AppendData( FieldValue , FieldRawSize - 2 * Decreaser );

                                                                FileStream.Seek( FilePosition + ReadBufferSize , FA_FILE_BEGIN );

                                                                delete [] FieldValue;
                                                                // data is stored in one buffer, so it is already in memory
                                                                std::size_t                     BufferOffset( FieldStartCursor + Decreaser - FilePosition );

                                                                Data.AppendData( Buffer + BufferOffset , FieldRawSize - 2 * Decreaser );
                                                        if( MODE & CSV_AUTO_ESCAPE )
                                                                nitro::BinaryData::ReplaceBuffer( Data , ( const char * )"\"\"" , ( const std::size_t )2 , ( const char * )"\"" , ( const std::size_t )1 );
                                                        Readable->AddField( Data.GetBuffer() , Data.GetBufferLength() );
                                                        Readable->AddField( "" , 0 );

                                                QFieldStart = false;
                                                FieldStart = false;
                                                State = TRY_READ_NEXT;

                                        if( State == TRY_READ_NEXT )
                                                if( Buffer[ i ] == ',' )
                                                        State = START_FIELD;
                                                if( Buffer[ i ] == '\r' )
                                                        State = END_RECORD;

                                        if( State == END_RECORD )
                                                if( Buffer[ i ] == '\n' )
                                                        // чтение закончено
                                                        State = START_FIELD;
                                                        FileStream.Seek( FilePosition + i + 1 , FA_FILE_BEGIN );

                                                        delete [] Buffer;

                                                        return( false );
                                                        throw( nitro::exception( "Can't find LF symbol" , 1 ) );
                        while( ReadBytes == ReadBufferSize );

                        delete [] Buffer;

                        return( true );
                catch( nitro::exception e )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::ReadRecord( CSVReadable * Readable , const std::size_t MODE /* = 0 */ )::" ) + e.what() , e.code() ) );
                catch( ... )
                        throw( nitro::exception( std::string( "CSVFile::ReadRecord( CSVReadable * Readable , const std::size_t MODE /* = 0 */ )::An error occured" ) , 1 ) );

Here is the call graph for this function:

void nitro::CSVFile::SetReadBufferSize ( std::size_t  ReadBufferSize  )  [static]

Function sets read buffer size.

Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 505 of file csv_file.cpp.

References nitro::CSV_FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE().

                CSV_FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE = ReadBufferSize;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

File stream.

Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 514 of file csv_file.h.

Referenced by AppendRecord(), CloseFile(), OpenFile(), and ReadRecord().

std::vector< nitro::BinaryData > nitro::CSVFile::Header [private]

File's header.

Dodonov A.A.

Definition at line 526 of file csv_file.h.

Referenced by GetHeaderItem(), GetHeaderItemsCount(), and ReadHeader().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated by  doxygen 1.6.1