This is the complete list of members for
nitro::MVC, including all inherited members.
AddController(const char *ControllerName, nitro::ControllerInterface *Controller) | nitro::MVC | |
AddModel(const char *ModelName, nitro::ModelInterface *Model) | nitro::MVC | |
AddView(const char *ViewName, ViewInterface *View) | nitro::MVC | |
Controllers | nitro::MVC | [private] |
Create(const char *Path=NULL, MVC *theRootMVC=NULL) | nitro::MVC | |
Create(const std::string &Path, MVC *theRootMVC=NULL) | nitro::MVC | |
Create(nitro::XMLTag &ManifestPart, MVC *theRootMVC=NULL) | nitro::MVC | |
Entry(MAIN_FUNC_PARAMS_LIST) | nitro::MVC | |
ExecuteCommand(const char *Command, const void *Param1=NULL, const void *Param2=NULL) | nitro::MVC | |
GetController(const char *ControllerName) | nitro::MVC | |
GetController(const std::string &ControllerName) | nitro::MVC | |
GetModel(const char *ModelName) | nitro::MVC | |
GetModel(const std::string &ModelName) | nitro::MVC | |
GetStartupControllerCommand(void) const | nitro::MVC | |
GetStartupControllerName(void) const | nitro::MVC | |
GetStartupViewName(void) const | nitro::MVC | |
GetView(const char *ViewName) | nitro::MVC | |
GetView(const std::string &ViewName) | nitro::MVC | |
LoadModule(const char *Path, const nitro::XMLTag &ManifestPart) | nitro::MVC | |
LoadModules(const char *Path, const nitro::XMLTag &ManifestPart) | nitro::MVC | |
LoadModules(const std::string &Path, const nitro::XMLTag &ManifestPart) | nitro::MVC | |
LoadModules(const std::vector< std::string > &ModulePaths, const nitro::XMLTag &ManifestPart) | nitro::MVC | [private] |
Models | nitro::MVC | [private] |
Modules | nitro::MVC | [private] |
MVC(void) | nitro::MVC | |
MVC(nitro::XMLTag &ManifestPart, MVC *theRootMVC=NULL) | nitro::MVC | |
MVCObjects | nitro::MVC | [private] |
RootMVC | nitro::MVC | [private] |
StartupControllerCommand | nitro::MVC | [private] |
StartupControllerName | nitro::MVC | [private] |
StartupViewName | nitro::MVC | [private] |
Views | nitro::MVC | [private] |
~MVC() | nitro::MVC | [virtual] |